Index of Ancient Greek Recitations

This abbreviated version of the Full Index is for the convenience of those seeking recordings in Ancient Greek.

The buttons beneath the recording and the image of the performer are links to the Perseus Digital Library, and when necessary the line range of the recording is broken down into parts to reflect the sections of Perseus. This technique enables listeners to use other features of that database while studying a text, alongside the recordings our SORGLL members have made.

The same Ancient Greek recordings can be heard directly from SoundCloud, but without the virtue of following along the visual image of the text, where available.

Alcman 58

Stephen G. Daitz

Archilochus 67

Stephen G. Daitz

Menander, Dyskylos 711-747

Mark Miner

SORGLL is searching for an accessible online text to accompany this recording.

Sappho 1

Stephen G. Daitz

You can read this text and and see images of the fragmentary manuscript in The New Yorker about Daitz’ recording: “Hearing Saphho,” by Daniel Mendelsohn, The New Yorker, 12 March 2015.